Energy Efficiency Learn&Transform Program Successfully Completed

As OzUBEX, we are proud to successfully conclude another important project towards sustainability and digital transformation goals. The Energy Efficiency Learn-Turn Programme provided companies with the knowledge, skills and tools to take the lead in energy efficiency and sustainability processes.
Key Elements of the Programme
Theoretical and Practical Trainings: A comprehensive content was provided on energy efficiency, digital solutions and sustainability.
Pilot Projects and Consultancy Support: The gains obtained from the trainings were implemented practically in the field, and field and remote support was provided.
Efficiency Increase and Process Optimisation: Significant progress was made in energy efficiency, cost reduction and digitalisation processes.
Achieved Gains
Managerial and Technical Competence: Participants have reached the level to lead digital transformation processes.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Optimisation: Energy wastes were identified and efficiency was increased.
Digital Solutions: It has become possible to digitally measure critical energy data and integrate them into processes.
This programme has been an important step towards achieving the sustainability goals of the participating companies. We would like to thank all our participants and business partners. The future will be more sustainable together!

OzUBEX Lighthouse Information Days were successfully held in cooperation with ENOSAD and GENÇ ENOSAD!

The event started with a presentation by Dr. Erinc Albey, General Manager of OzUBEX Industrial Transformation Center, who shared the center’s services and success stories. Then, it continued with a detailed tour of our facility, one of the best model factories in Turkey.
We were delighted to welcome ENOSAD to our center. We had a very productive and enjoyable day in terms of sharing information and strengthening our cooperation.
We continue on our way by increasing our strong collaborations that contribute to industrial transformation!
You can send your information to via e-mail and be informed about the activities of our center!

Green Transformation Opportunity for SMEs!

KOBİ’ler İçin Yeşil Dönüşüm Fırsatı!

OzUBEX, TÜBİTAK 1831 Çağrısı kapsamında seçilen mentör kuruluşlardan biri olarak, %90 hibe oranıyla KOBİ’lerin yeşil dönüşüm süreçlerini uçtan uca danışmanlık hizmetleriyle desteklemeye devam ediyor!

Neden Katılmalısınız?
%90 Tübitak Desteği
210.000 TL’ye Kadar Finansman
3 Kez Yararlanma İmkanı

Dijital & Yeşil Olgunluk Değerlendirmesi
Dijital & Yeşil Yol Haritaları
Sürdürülebilirlik ve Enerji Verimliliği Eğitimleri
Karbon Hesaplama & Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirme

Eğitim ve danışmanlık süreçlerinde; sizlere yenilikçi çözümler sunmakla kalmıyor, KOSGEB & T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı çağrılarıyla/teşvikleri ile örtüşen yatırım planlarınıza uygun yol haritaları da geliştiriyoruz!

Sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe birlikte adım atalım!

Detaylı bilgi için:

Digital Transformation Opportunity for SMEs!

Digital Transformation Opportunity for SMEs!

Are you ready for a free opportunity to accelerate your Industry 4.0 journey?

Within the scope of the project ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs in Turkey through the Establishment of Industry 4.0 Competence Centre’ funded by the financial cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and carried out in cooperation with Özyeğin University, BEYSAD and TUSIAD, the first 15 SMEs are offered ‘IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things Level Determination Study’ absolutely FREE!

Measure your data usage level
Assess your connectivity and cyber security infrastructure
Make smarter decisions based on data
Accelerate your digital transformation process

Quota limited to only 15 companies! Start your transformation with an analysis completed in 1 day without disrupting your production.

For applications:

TÜSİAD visited OzUBEX within the scope of Sustainability 4 Industry Hackathon!

TÜSİAD visited OzUBEX within the scope of Sustainability 4 Industry Hackathon!

We came together with TÜSİAD to develop innovative solutions to accelerate the digital transformation of the industry and contribute to the entrepreneurship ecosystem!

In the meeting we held with Kadir Yusuf Öztürk, Director of TÜSİAD Entrepreneurship and Youth Programme, Expert Kübra Geysi and Assistant Expert Şevval Cihankaya, we discussed the final preparations of the hackathon.

We made evaluations on the technical infrastructure provided by OzUBEX, support mechanisms for entrepreneurs and the process of bringing industry and investors together.

The hackathon offers great opportunities for industrialists, investors and entrepreneurs. Participants will have the chance to be a part of the OzUBEX technology ecosystem and present their solutions to investors. Developing the Hackathon process with TÜSİAD is a critical step in bringing new collaborations to the ecosystem!

We continue our efforts to accelerate digital transformation, spread entrepreneurship culture and develop sustainable industrial solutions! We would like to thank the TÜSİAD team for their valuable contributions.

We Visited Şensac Factory: We Completed Our Preparations Before Starting the Programme!

We Visited Şensac Factory: We Completed Our Preparations Before Starting the Programme!

Within the scope of the Learn Return Programme, we completed our field analysis studies with a visit to the Şensac factory.

By making detailed evaluations on production processes, digital transformation opportunities and productivity-enhancing solutions, we have completed the necessary preparations for the most efficient progress of the programme.

We continue our efforts to contribute to the digital transformation of the industry and increase the competitiveness of enterprises!

A Productive Meeting with Istanbul Ticaret University!

At the OzUBEX Industrial Transformation Center, we had the pleasure of hosting esteemed professors from the Faculty of Engineering at Istanbul Commerce University. Together with academicians specializing in mechatronics, industrial, computer, and electrical-electronics engineering, we engaged in a fruitful exchange of ideas regarding the establishment process, infrastructure, and industry-academia collaborations at our center.
During the visit, we shared:
Our establishment process,
The infrastructure and technological preferences of our center,
Our collaboration model between industry and universities.
We firmly believe that such visits will strengthen inter-university cooperation and contribute to Turkey’s digital transformation goals.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Prof. Dr. Sadettin Aksoy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Ceylan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra Çelik, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fevzi Bozkurt, TTO Coordinator Asst. Prof. Dr. İlker Köse, Res. Asst. Şamil İslam Özata, and TTO Project Development Specialist Ms. Beyza Küçük for sharing their knowledge and experiences with us.
Together, we will continue to shape the future of technology through enhanced collaborations!

Thanks to Makine Hangar and TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers!

Thanks to Makina Hangar and TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers!
As OzUBEX Industrial Transformation Centre, we were delighted to welcome Makine Hangar and Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers to our centre!
Within the scope of the visit:
The infrastructure of our centre and the services we offer were introduced,
Comprehensive information was shared on our digital and green transformation solutions,
Joint projects and cooperation opportunities for industrial transformation were evaluated.
We would like to thank the Makine Hangar team and the representatives of the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers for this pleasant and productive visit.
Together, we will continue to contribute to the transformation of the industry.

Digitalisation in Industry and Engineering Solutions Training Completed Successfully!

Digitalisation in Industry and Engineering Solutions Training Completed Successfully! 

The Digital Transformation in Industry Training, which we organised on 19-20 December, was successfully completed with the intense interest and active participation of our participants. 

For Industry 4.0 transformation;

Technology integration,

Digital architecture,

IT/OT integration,

We offered a comprehensive training programme on topics such as usage scenarios.

We believe that our participants will take important steps in their digital transformation journey with the knowledge and skills they acquire in this process. 

We will continue to be with you in digital transformation. To a stronger future together!

Step into a Sustainable Future!

Step into a Sustainable Future!
We continue to support our companies on their digital and green transformation journey!
With OzUBEX Sustainability Training, we help you achieve your sustainability goals, increase your competitiveness and provide added value to your business processes.
Our trainings;
Green Transformation
It will support you to build the future by providing comprehensive information and practical solutions on sustainability issues!
Join us for a sustainable world.
For registration